About Clem

Thanks for inquiring about me! It is crucial to be at ease with your coach and be confident that you are working with the right person for you. Don’t hesitate to be in touch if you have more questions. I’m looking forward to meeting you!

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As my best friend likes to say: “How many lives did you have?!” I have been lucky that my professional journey has led me to different careers: from language teacher and globetrotter, to co-founder of a successful bilingual nursery and finally to coaching: the accomplishment of my career.

The personal development work I have done on myself over the years has gradually led me to coaching to fulfil my purpose of helping others remember who they truly are and live the life they are meant to be. It is such a privilege to give back in doing this work today after all the benefits I received myself with the help of the amazing professionals I have met on my path.


Language teacher globetrotter. (France, UK India, Columbia, & Spain) 5 years.


Co-founder of a bilingual nursery. Mini Poppins (Bordeaux, Fr) 5 years.


Certified Career coach. Coach Clem - Intensive 8 months training in 2020.

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After an initial coaching course of 3 months with Christian Mickelsen and The rapid Coaching Academy, I completed the Career coaching training with OpenClassrooms for 8 months. The course is coordinated by Paris University (RNCP registration pending), it’s a high standard professional certification course level 5, it’s online with weekly mentoring sessions and hands-on projects. I am still in touch with my teachers and colleagues from the course.

My partnership with Format XL, ANCRH enables me to provide coaching programs eligible to French government funding.

Of course, I keep on training and learning along side coaching sessions, with a particular interest for emotional intelligence, positive intelligence and appreciative inquiry. I have been doing an advanced coaching training since September 2021 with Positive Intelligence Inc. (ICF certified training). I also work regularly with a coaching supervisor (certified with EMCC) to make sure to improve my work continuously to provide the highest quality of coaching.


The Dragonfly


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